Developed by leading insurance, legal, and human resources experts, Open Health, sponsored by the Entertainment Industry Employers Association (EIEA), is a multiple-employer healthcare coverage plan created for non-union entertainment industry employees.
Open Health is portable for both employer and employee. Structured similarly to a guild or union plan, the employee’s hours are aggregated across all member employer groups. Employers are free to choose their own payroll services provider, and the plan is designed to be eligible for many state tax-incentive programs. The plan provides employers with large-group pricing and insurance benefits that are comparable to other plans available in the insurance marketplace.
Open Health enables employers to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Employer groups are able to satisfy their ACA shared responsibility requirements, while providing coverage to their non-union employees. The plan enables employers to be compliant with ERISA, the ACA, and other applicable laws. Open Health is funded through a trust established for the exclusive benefit of its participants. The trust holds all insurance and other legal contracts and documents.
Open Health’s insurance partner is Anthem Blue Cross. Enrolled individuals have access to Anthem’s network of providers, hospitals, and physicians nationwide. Open Health offers HMO and PPO medical plans, dental, vision, and life plans, and dependent coverage.
Open Health and Anthem Blue Cross provide employer and employee support through email, a dedicated call center, and online support.